– Historians hold and share an honour which has been passed down from ancient times from many areas of the world to determine and tell the truth. The truth is based upon facts, facts presented and interpreted in a non-partisan, non-political manner. The process of establishing the truth is a difficult and complicate matter and does not always arrive at an absolute answer to specific questions. The interpretation of those facts and truths should and must be debated but that debate needs to be formatted within a structure or model which makes clear that it is just that – interpretation. Historians share this important honour as keepers of our past, dedicated to preserving and protecting all facts and evidence from the past so future historians and citizens of the world can draw upon this repository of material to learn, review, and present this evidence of our past in a fair, exact, and clear manner.
– Within the context of this evidence, open, academic, and constructive debate and discussion forms the corner stone of a living historical structure. This interplay of ideas and curiosity serve as a catalyst of progress in the creation of solid evidence-based history and the continuing search for a richer, more concise interpretation of the past.
– The expropriation of other’s words and work is defined as plagiarism, or theft. The CHS designates plagiarism as unacceptable and obligates us to discourage, identify and reconciling any episode of this un-professional practice. Furthermore, we commit to preventing any parties from offering or providing services which would allow students, historians, or others from representing as their work, that created by others. Plagiarism by an individual or the acceptance of work from others with the purpose of representing it as their own shall be condemned by the CHS as a breach of our ethical principles. When such a breach of this principle is discovered or exposed, we would expect immediate remedial action to be taken to and responsible parties to be identified and rebuked.
– What is expected and anticipated from works on history is a lively data-based debate with discussion of the strengths and weakness of each position, point of view, referenced piece of evidence and a respectful and objective consideration of each others position. Let us present distinguished history together.
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